HeartMind SPEAK is a communication model that integrates our thoughts and feelings into a deeper connection with all life. It allows us to collaborate, create and share awareness with other animals, nature and people. Based on years of teaching stress management, inter-species communication, collaboration, creativity, and visioning, HeartMind SPEAK is an adaptive model for evolving our human potential with Nature. HeartMind SPEAK helps people expand their hearts and minds to communicate more clearly and organically, expand their awareness and cognitive abilities, and open to higher levels of creativity.

The model integrates psychology, biology, and ethology using various techniques guiding people to explore new ways of thinking and feeling. By learning to open our hearts, slow our minds, clarify our beliefs, identify our values, and understand the multiple ways life communicates, HeartMind SPEAK provides a path for discovering our true nature and our intimate relationship with all life.

A lifelong pursuit of consciousness through her love of nature and animals, Mary Ann has been facilitating paradigm shifts throughout her career working with organizations, governments, equestrians, animal and natural resource professionals. As a thought pioneer and change maker, her professional work has spanned a variety of industries and disciplines bringing a nature-centric approach to all. An international speaker, author, and educator, Mary Ann developed the HeartMind SPEAK Model as a way to help people connect more deeply to their true self and discover their inter-connections with nature, people and other animals. Being able to “hear” what other animals and nature were communicating since she was a young child, Mary Ann has blended her scientific background with her intuitive abilities developing unique and simple tools for communication

Mary Ann pursued her love of horses and nature attending the University of California, Irvine and the University of Wyoming where she challenged the scientific methodology paradigm for investigating wildlife.Her research focused on whole systems analysis and inter and intra-species communication with an emphasis on the social ecology of wild horses while obtaining her degree in Wildlife Biology and Range Management. Later she obtained a graduate degree in Inter-disciplinary Consciousness Studies with a focus on human-animal interactions, eco-psychology and horse-human psychology. Exploring the obvious connections between natural systems and human systems, she also obtained a specialization in Organizational Development and Leadership. Mary Ann has worked professionally for over 40 years primarily with professionals, organizations and governments facilitating, educating and inspiring them on more natural ways to communicate, collaborate and create.

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